Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Happy Prom

 We are in a whirlwind of special events, but I want to be sure I give each one the attention is deserves, starting with prom.

We started prom day with a lunch with Issa's best friend, Allison, and her new-ish boyfriend. He wanted to meet Brad and I, and we were happy to take them out to lunch with Kai and Issa. We really like Cole, and it was a fun lunch up at Radius. Just we girls went last year, so it was fun to have the boys join us this year.

Issa came home to get ready, and she did her own hair this year. Evan conceded to one picture when she came downstairs:

And we took the required Monarch antennae picture: 
When we came back in Brad saw her for the first time and might have gotten a little choked up:
We went to Gold Park for pictures, and just as we got there it started to pour. Thankfully we were able to get some great pictures under the shelter house:

We beat Kai there, so we got some pictures of just Issa:
And he was so cute when he got there:
The pictures were so much more relaxed this year since they have been dating for over a year instead of two weeks:

They came back to our house for dinner, and Brad grilled steaks in between rain drops. They had originally planned to go to the Bakeshop for dinner, but a big chunk of the staff (including Kai) was out for prom. Kai didn't think he could relax watching his team work short-staffed. It was fun to have them chat with us while we cooked for them:
Issa requested a floral table, and I was happy to oblige:
After dinner Issa pinned on the boutonniere: 

The two of them took off after dinner to meet Allison and Cole for ice cream before prom.

Kai gave Issa her corsage at prom:
He had forgotten it at home, but his sister brought it to prom. It was gorgeous; we got to see it when she got home:
They came back to our house after to just relax for a while, and Issa was quick to change:

I didn't get a picture, but Issa scrounged up some XL sweatpants and t-shirt for him to change into, too. 

They had a really fun night, and we are so grateful we got to be a part of it.

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