Tuesday, May 28, 2024

What a Weekend!

We had a super busy, fun weekend! Friday was the first weekend evening we have had with no plans for about forever. We made pizzas and watched movies and generally rested up from the business that was and what will be.

Saturday, we had Issa's last end of season Monarch Soiree. She had a big plan for her final teacher gift. She has been wearing an old pair of Brad's flannel pants to the studio for three years. It has been a running joke, and they have become "THE pants." For her final gift, she turned those pants into pillows:
They all cracked up:
And in a full circle moment, they had a similar plan and gave her a new pair of flannel pants with the Monarch logo:
Those pants took me out. I had to step outside to compose myself. I will be forever grateful for these women who know my girl so well and love her so well. 

Sunday, we finally go to see The Lion King:

My bar was set really high, and the show exceeded my expectations. The puppetry and costumes were just incredible. The emotions on stage were so real, and the music was just incredible. It's definitely in my top five shows of all time. 

This is the last week of school, and we promised the kids we would take them and a couple of friends to Drive Shack to celebrate. Given all of the graduation fun that is coming up, we decided it was easiest to go Monday, and Evan's friend Mikey joined our crazy for the first time:

The kid had never been golfing and was hitting the ball out to the white pins in no time.

They had changed the games this time, and Brad was no amused:

They were way easier for those of us who are not great at golf, but for him it was frustrating to not be able to aim well.

He was thrilled that the last game did count on accuracy, and he showed us all up:
He and I actually took our own clubs this time, and I'm falling love with golf. I think he and I may hit a real course soon. On the way home we stopped to get the first watermelon of the season:
Mikey and Kai spent the day with us, and then Mom and Shannon joined us for a Memorial Day cookout. Summer is just around the corner, and we are so ready for it!

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