Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Final Curtain

Saturday morning, Issa and I were out the door at 9 for her final Monarch recital:
We held our breath that our Dream Duffel would make it through the day:
Our handle has been duct taped all year, but it was silly to replace it for the last year. It had a good ten year run, and it did in fact make it through the day without a total collapse. 

It really was a day of joy, and Issa danced the best she ever has. I have never seen her so very, very happy on stage. And she had the best cheering section for her final show:

We are also thrilled with the way her senior display came together. Look at that cute little first costume! And it was adorable to watch some of the littlest dancers gently touch her first pointe shoes. One of the things I am most proud of is her mentorship and kindness to the dancers coming behind her, and I loved watching them love on her all day.

Kai also was there, and he hauled our very broken Dream Duffel back in the house at the end of the day:

And her teachers. Ms. Ruth joined the studio last year, and Issa worked so closely with her this year in some of her own classes but even more so in all of the classes with littles:
She and Issa think so similarly, and I have been so grateful for her steady presence this year. She is able to make Issa laugh right before she cries. 

Brooke has always been one of Issa's biggest fans, and the feeling is mutual:

Issa never felt that she could tap or hip hop until Brooke believed in her. She is a tremendous cheerleader and always a soft place for Issa to land.

And Ms. Stephanie, well, she changed Issa's life when she opened Monarch:

Issa was so discouraged but she wanted to keep dancing. Stephanie helped her find her love of dance again, and she challenged her in ways that made her a stronger dancer and person that we ever imagined. She has been a steady mentor, a rock solid supporter, and second mom to Issa. She helped Issa develop leadership skills and find her voice. Issa is a better human because of her, and I will always be forever grateful.

We are also grateful that we know this is not goodbye. It will be different, but Monarch will always be a part of our lives, and I know Issa will stay in touch with all three of these women as she opens her next chapter.


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