Thursday, May 23, 2024

Senior Week

Since finals start at the high school next week, this is senior week. Issa has had a special event every day, and it's been very fun to celebrate her.

Monday, we had the Senior Award Ceremony. Her neck will be tired at graduation:
She earned cords for National Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society, Platinum Honors on her Career Keys Assessment, and Red Cross Service. She will be awarded one for graduation Magna Cum Laude next week!

She was also awarded the Orange County Future Teachers Scholarship:

Not only does that come with a scholarship, but she will also have paid professional development in the summers and signed a teaching contract for when she graduates!

Tuesday, she has the senior breakfast followed by the elementary school walk. If this face doesn't scream elementary school teacher I don't know what does:

She loved getting to see all of the kids she works with, and they LOVED getting to see her. While the rest of the seniors were reliving their best playground lives, she spend her time in 133:
It's wild to see this crew back at the elementary!
She has also painted her paw print on the front walk, attended senior sunset, and she will pick up her yard sign tomorrow! It's been a fun week, and next week will be the calm before the big day!

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