Thursday, October 11, 2012

Charting My Sanity

We are big believers in chores around here, and Evan is now old enough to really do his fair share. The only problem is my mommy brain was having trouble tracking who was supposed to do which chores when. Then...these entered our lives a few weeks ago:
They are magnetic chore charts, and they are saving my sanity.  I set them up on Saturday night (oh, the thrills of a Saturday night as a mommy). The chores start on the left side of the board, and as the kids complete them they move to the right. The pictures help Evan see what he needs to do, and they have even picked up some extra chores thanks to ideas from the tile. I also love that there are blank tiles if I need to add something.

At the end of the day, every tile on the right is worth a pebble, and 50 pebbles are worth $5. $1 dollar goes straight in the save jar, and the other $4 are left to their discretion.

So far, it's working well for everyone...especially my sanity.

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