Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Puppy Snuggles

When the temperatures start to dip, everyone gets just a little bit more prone to snuggles around our house. I was just getting ready to snuggle in with my kiddos last night when I was displaced:
 Frosty the Snowman was on TV, and apparently everyone was enjoying it, especially Viv who planted herself between her kids.

Issa has always loved using Viv as a pillow, and Viv is more than happy to oblige. Evan is more of an ear rubber:
 And Viv is just fine with that, too. And who taught Evan to do bunny ears?
Even Viv hasn't been spared.

I eventually weaseled my way onto the end of the couch, and Viv reached out to put her paw on my leg. We missed bedtime by a bit because we were just enjoying the puppy snuggles. I was never a dog person until Viv came into our lives, and now I can't imagine life without her.

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