Friday, April 8, 2011

The Most Beautiful Flower on Earth

The conversation between Issa and I:

"Mom, here you go."

"Thanks, Issa," as I sit the clover on the counter (the one millionth clover of the spring).

"Mo-om! You have to put it in water."

"I know. I will." (I'm trying to start dinner, and the odds of that happening were slim.)

"MO-OM! It's the most beautiful flower on Earth! See! It has purple here at the bottom, and then green, and then white. And it looks like a poof. And it's soft. Feel it mom. And it smells really good!"

Gulp. It's amazing what children see that we, as adults, miss. Of course it promptly went into water and earned a spot of honor on the mantle. And...every other clover/dandelion/weed that comes in this season will find a similar place. In the midst of the hustle and bustle, I'm grateful for the reminder to slow down and feel the clover.

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