Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Basketball Boy

Last night, Evan announced he had found "his thing." Basketball. I have to admit, if this sticks, I will be thrilled. Maybe it's because I remember watching so many basketball games as a child. Maybe it's because at my core I will always be a Hoosier. Maybe because it's a game I actually understand. Maybe it's because I do not have to sit in the freezing cold to cheer on my child. I digress...Evan is in love with basketball in a way that he has never been in love with anything else--even soccer. 

He's doing Smart Start this season, so a grown-up has to play with him. Last night was my turn:
 Let me tell you something: I never played a sport. Not one. I am not athletic. I own that. I was a bit (like twelve miles) outside of my comfort zone last night.

When we arrived, the kids headed off to warm-up with one coach while the head coach walks the parents through the skill stations. This picture amuses me greatly:
 Here's the deal: Coach Lyons doesn't play. I believe the words, "If you mess up your child's shot now you have ruined him for basketball forever," may have crossed his lips. I will say I learned more about basketball technique last night than I did in ten years of PE classes.

We started at the shooting station:
 What really impressed me was that a coach was assigned to every station. They worked their way from child to child coaching the child and the parent. The shooting coach's advice to me: "He has really great form. Don't mess with it. Just let him shoot and clap a lot." Thank goodness! Now I just have to not screw him up for life by trying to help.

From there we moved on to bounce passes and then to dribbling:
The coach was really pleased with Evan's standing still dribbling and his straight back and forth dribbling, so we were able to move on to weaving in and out of cones. It was messy, but Evan had a blast!

We ended with shuffling and chest passes, and then the kids had their end of practice huddle. There is nothing cuter than a 20 year veteran coach, who talks a tough game, helping all these little people get into a circle with their hands in. I have a feeling Coach isn't quite as tough as he wants to be, but I'm not complaining.

(A special thanks to the guest photographer Issa!)

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