Thursday, April 2, 2020

Day 17: The First Step in Issa's Room Redo

We are having a bit of a "if you give a mouse a cookie" situation around here. Since we are finding ourselves with some time on our hands, we have decided to invest some of it in some projects around the house. We are all enjoying our new workout space in the garage so much we decided to convert the unfinished bonus room above the garage into a craft space, which means some of the craft things from Issa's room can move in there, which means Issa's room is getting a redo, which means we need to clean out the bonus room so we can move those things in there, which means we made dog beds yesterday. I bet you didn't see that last one coming. 

Brad and I bought a foam topper for our bed years ago. When we got a sleep number bed a few years ago, we saved the topper in the bonus room. It takes a ton of room! We had always toyed with the idea of turning it into dog beds, but I never had time. We have been using our old couch cushions as dog beds at the foot of our bed and in Buddy's house. No more!

The kids helped me do all of the measuring and cutting:
 And Neela decided she liked it before we even got the covers on:
 We used an old sheet to show fitted sheets for them, and then topped them with blankets:
 Today, we will use the leftover edges of the foam to make a couple of pillows for Buddy's house, and then we will do some more cleaning and sorting!

Issa also has been doing more painting this week:
There us never a dull moment around here!

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