Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Day 22: Not So Shiny

Yesterday was one of those days were staying home was not quite so fun. As the kids settled back in to their schoolwork, they both realized that this may be what happens for the rest of the year. Although they are connecting with their teachers virtually, it's not the same. Issa also realized her dance competition season is likely over, which is a bummer. Although she is doing dance on Zoom, it's not the same as being in the studio. It was a rough day for our girl.

And then we all realized this is the only way we know what day it is:
The days are starting to run together, which is hard.

It's just hard, and that's okay. This morning everyone seems to be in a better mind-space, and we are excited to finish the clean out of Issa's room today. We are in the tedious part of that project, and I think we will all get an energy boost from finishing that one.

We are still very lucky, and I'm actually grateful that we take some time for all of the feelings. Life doesn't have to be shiny all the time.

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