Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Little Bonus Time

I am enjoying the bonus time with Issa this summer, but yesterday afternoon a little pang of guilt hit this mama's heart. What about Evan?

He loves his school, and he hasn't complained once about going while Issa is home. If I kept him home, neither of them would have as much fun, and I wouldn't get a dang bit of work accomplished. The rational me knew all of this. But, mama guilt is not rational.

Pick-up time rolled around, and Issa asked if all of the girls could just move the play date next door. I called next door, and that was an absolute possibility. So...four giggling girls headed that way and I went to go get Evan.

It was truly a wondrous thing. I got a little over an hour with just my boy. We read two Thomas books and a chapter in Pete the Tractor. We played basketball and soccer, and he helped me start dinner. We had tickle fights and played chase. That hour seemed to last for several, and we both laughed until we cried.

Parenting books and experts babble about the importance of one-on-one parent/child time for children, and I'm not discounting that. However, they are missing half of the equation. I think it's just as important for the parent. In those moments, I learn more about my kids than I ever could imagine. We all relax a little bit more, and those are the moments I go to sleep thinking about. Here's to a summer of many more...

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