Friday, July 13, 2012

Around the World in Five Days

At camp this week, Issa traveled around the world in five days! She has loved every moment, and the lead teacher had a phenomenal gift for awakening curiosity and following where the children lead, spending more time on things that fascinate them. I have also been impressed by the breadth of knowledge she has gained about each continent.

A week in lunch notes...

 They did both Americas on Monday. They spent much of the day talking about animal coloring and adaptations across the two continents. They ventured inside to see the wolves of North America exhibit that is visiting, talking about how the coloring of each wolf matches where he lived. They also learned about mimicry as a survival strategy and made that real by tasting jelly bean pairs. Is it coconut or baby wipes? Lime or boogers? You get the idea. They also got to spend a lot of time with Christopher, the barn owl, learning about he copes with the heat. In a moment of irony, they made Mexican hot cocoa.


Tuesday the kids ventures to Asia, focusing on the spice trade, India, and Chinese contributions to science. They learned about the significance of fans in Asian cultures, and they learned how to use a compass to complete a scavenger hunt. Issa learned that ginger is very strong--even candied.

Wednesday took the kids to Africa. They went on a grass hunt around the museum to learn about the different grasses in Africa. They also met a hissing cockroach, a giant centipede, and several snakes. Issa loved the snakes! They also dabbled in a bit of Egyptian mythology, and Issa told her own tale of how Granddaddy killed an African crocodile. She (and he) is now a celebrity.


 Europe in a day! They focused on Russia, Greece, and Scotland to show the breadth of culture in the continent. They made nesting dolls, tzatziki, and tapestries. They also created their own highland games, complete with a pool noodle log toss. They played in the misty moors (the mist exhibit) and took the train. It was almost too much fun for one day.

 The notes sums it up! They are focusing on the impact of being an island nation on Australia and learning about reefs and Oceania today. They are also meeting some aquatic friends!

Yesterday, Issa made thank yous for her teachers, and this morning she very happily passed them out.

Tomorrow is an annual Bower family holiday: Dinosaur Day at the museum. Have I mentioned we love this place?

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