Thursday, July 26, 2012

I'm Special

I took Issa and Briana to the library yesterday morning for their last summer reading program. Birdman Dave had come to teach the kids about birds, and I think we all learned a lot. We met a screech owl and a puppet bird that taught us what birds and humans have in common, but the highlight was Belle, the macaw.

Belle demonstrated how strong her beak was, how dexterous her feet were, and how smart she was when she played shadow and talked. Then, Belle took a flight around the room. Before she flew, Birdman Dave explained that in his 15 years of working with Belle she had never landed on anyone, and that we all just needed to sit very still as she made her loop around the room. We were all very quiet and very excited. Birdman Dave told Belle to take a lap, and she came and landed directly on my foot. I'm special. For a moment, I feared for my toes, but she was very gentle and amazingly soft. I have never been so still in my life, and a very shocked Birdman Dave came and retrieved Belle.

I'm hoping for a much less adventurous day of mowing and grading today. We'll see!

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