Friday, July 20, 2012


A few random headlines from the week...

1. We signed Evan up for his first soccer team this fall! Daddy will actually play with him, and Evan can't wait. I am quite certain hilarity will ensue.

2. We have a new friend:
 This little tree frog has been hanging out on our back door at night. I think he is super cute, but he is also super loud.

3. I went to my first PTSA meeting at Issa's new school. What a difference! I was so impressed by the focus on serving the school and helping all students. It made my heart happy.

4. I discovered Issa had been conducting a science experiment:
 These were little green berries she picked at the museum. She wanted to see what would happen if you put them in a dark place for a while. The answer is a health hazard.

5. I may or may not have cried when we got the first automated phone call from Issa's new school. I may or may not be a mess.

6. Issa made me a super cool picture yesterday:
Happy Friday!

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