Tuesday, November 27, 2012

From Bah-humbug to Holly Jolly

Yesterday morning, I was pretty bah-humbug--largely because of this:
 It may look like an ordinary, sheetless bed to you. To me, it was torture. Of all the housework, making beds is my least favorite. Changing them is horrid. Monday is bed changing day, and it is the one day Issa doesn't have to make her own bed. She doesn't even have to strip it. Since we only slept in our beds two nights last week, I was going to skip changing them this week. I thought it was a brilliant plan.

99% of the time, I have to ask Issa roughly 6,572,342 times to make her bed and threaten her with losing the pebble if I have to ask one more time. It's just part of our morning. Yesterday, though, my little angel decided to "help" and strip her bed within 2.5 seconds of her alarm going off. I nearly cried.

The problem was not only did I have to make the bed, but it was one more thing to do before I could get out the Christmas decorations.  Bah-humbug!

I was on turbo speed all day, though. I have never cleaned the house or grocery shopped so efficiently. By the time the kids got home, I had a few Christmas things about, and they were hysterical. Issa was excited, but Evan was beside himself. He was so funny. He remembered some decorations but others were brand new to him. He giggled his way all over the house. The kiddos helped me finish everything but the tree by bed time, and we were all feeling quite holly and jolly by the time we were finished.

Then, as I tucked Issa in, I saw this, and my heart melted:
"Christmas is here. It's time for holiday cheer."

Yes, my love, it is.

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