Friday, November 2, 2012

This Really Happened

Every so often, something happens in our house that just shocks me--usually because I just can't believe it really happened. It's never anything earth shattering. It's just...surprising. About fifty percent of the time, one of the kids creates it. The other fifty percent of the time, it's my husband. Last night, it was the latter.

The day after Halloween is always a mess. The kids are sugar crashed and over-tired. I dread it. By the time we got to dinner last night, I was running on fumes and the kids were either giggling or crying. There was no middle ground.

After dinner, Daddy decided to share his Angry Bird fruit snacks to try to tame the beasts. We were still sitting around the table, and the kids were discussing the various birds. I asked if I could try just one, and Brad very calmly said, "Say oink." I remember shooting him a look, but then I went ahead and said it.

And then...he threw the bird at me!

Just like in the game. He threw the Angry Bird at the pig. It really happened...and there were fits of laughter all around the table.

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