Monday, September 12, 2016

Just What the Doctor Ordered

This weekend was exactly what my heart and soul needed.

Friday, we had a family night. We went for fro-yo for dinner and then had appetizers for dessert. It was super fun. Once the kiddos were tucked, Brad and I snuggled in for a fabulous, fluffy, funny movie. No laptops. No work talk. Just laughter. It was so, so good.

Saturday morning, Brad made donuts. He and Evan headed to the dojo, and Issa and I finished school projects and sorted through some really fun hand me down clothes. We spent the afternoon at the farm with my students for a group event. I just love when my worlds collide, and I'm quite certain my students will never forget my herding an escaped cow back into the pen.

Sunday, we met Ryan and Felicia for dim sum and then did a little mall shopping. A kind stranger bought my pumpkin spice latte as a recognition for being a mom. It was such a small gesture, but it was just so unbelievably kind.

The weekend was also filled with lots of Read-a-Thon prep and canning of tomato soup, but we did it all as a family. Brad only had to take one work call, and it just felt so much more sane. It was exactly what I needed.

And today, we celebrate a certain sweet girl turning 10, but more on that tomorrow...

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