Thursday, August 23, 2012

I Love: A List

This has been a rough few weeks. Brad has been traveling so much (about four days a week), my semester is starting, and Issa's summer is ending. It's been a perfect storm for one tired, emotionally exhausted mama. When the alarm went off yesterday morning, I truly wasn't sure how I was going to make it.

I started my day with an audible prayer, "Help." That was it. It was all I had, but it was so much more than enough. My wondrous thing list from yesterday of things I loved:

1. My inbox was empty yesterday morning. It was a miracle.

2. As I was doing my paperwork, I listened to my girl and the neighbor girl giggle ridiculously over get well cards for our neighbor who broke his arm. It was their idea, and they made enough cards for a hospital.

3. I baked cookies with the girls. I loved seeing how confident Issa is in the kitchen, and I loved watching our neighbor discover the kitchen.

4. I finally found the sweet spot for the class I'm teaching. There was a significant gap between where I thought we should begin and where they are. We are accelerating, and life is good.

5. I've rediscovered the joy of classical music. My world is words: reading, writing, and talking. That's what teachers do. Add parenting, and I am constantly surrounded by words. Music without words clears my head. It is lovely.

6. A great friend took great care of my kids. I came home to two very happy children who were just snuggling into bed. I loved listening to him read Evan a story while I cleaned up from bath. As I tucked Evan in, he read Issa a story. I tucked Issa in after the story, and I saw two very happy children drift off to sleep, which makes me happy.

7. I am making time to read for fun. It's lovely.

8. I climbed in to Mom's bed. It sounds insane, but Mom changed the sheets on my bed before she left. Since I don't untuck the sheets and sleep insanely still, it still feels like my childhood bed. There is just something about the way that she gets the sheets so smooth and turns them back just the right amount. It just feels like love. I fell asleep snuggled in and wondering what my kids will remember that way. It was a lovely way to end the day...a wondrous day indeed.

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