Friday, May 22, 2015


Last night was the end of year banquet for the Company. I love the simplicity of this celebration. People send in pictures from the year for a slide show. The teachers give out a handful of awards. We eat cupcakes. The end. I love watching the pictures. There are plenty of great dance shots, but there are also tons of great friends shots. Girls inevitably hugging and smiling. Some at the studio. Some at prom. Some in someone's kitchen. It captures the family in our Company. These girls are forming friendships that will last. Memories that are better that any trophy or pin.

After the banquet, the kids and I decided to go out for dinner. I had planned leftovers because I knew I wouldn't have time to cook, but these kids are bottomless pits this week and there were no leftovers. We sat at dinner and I had one of those moments when I realized my kids are becoming real people. There is that magical moment when you realize your kids and funny and interesting and you would like to hang out even if you didn't have to. It's really lovely.

I've had so very much to celebrate, which makes the hard moments this week so much easier.

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