Wednesday, February 20, 2013

First Day Success

I survived my first official day in my new role yesterday! To be honest, it was a whirlwind that ended in exhaustion--but the best kind of exhaustion. Here is what I know:

1. In a moment of divine intervention, the woman who used to have the position stopped in first thing to drop something off. And she had some she stayed...for three hours. She walked me through everything in the office, including a month by month of what needs to be done in the program. I love her.

2. I have the best assistant on the planet. She knows the program, knows the girls, and is anxious to help. And she is so, so, so good. I was chatting about how I want to reorganize a bit, and she agreed it made more sense and offered to move the files for me. I heard that a lot yesterday: "I can do that for you." I love her.

3. This job is even more fun than I realized. I love everything about it, and I already have some ideas that I want to start developing.

4. There is still so much to learn. Today, I am going to bond with some handbooks. The thrill, I tell you.

5. I work with great people. All day, colleagues were dropping in and out to say hello, welcome, and ask if I needed anything. Until about 1:00 I couldn't answer any questions, but it was wonderful to feel so supported. I love them.

Here's to a happy day two!

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