Friday, February 1, 2013

On Ears

Yesterday, in the midst of trying to pack and prep for my training, I had to sew an ear back on Evan's bunny. It was a baby shower gift, and he suddenly has rediscovered it. I found the bunny and the ear separately in his bed--not good.

As I started sewing, I was annoyed. I really, truly did not have time for this. Hauling out the sewing kit. Trying to figure out how to attach the ear to match the other ear. And then, I remembered....

I remembered my favorite bear, Poley. The polar bear I carried around by the ear for most of my childhood. The bear I still have and still snuggle occasionally. I remembered his ear falling off many, many times. Every time it fell off, Gram would reattach it. At the time, I remember feeling like there was nothing more important. She knew. She never asked me to wait. She became the master, reattaching the ear so that it was perfectly cupped. My bear was all better, and I remember that feeling, that relief, that joy, that love.

Suddenly, nothing felt more important than that ear. I stitched carefully, making sure it would flop just right. I trimmed the threads as close as I could, and I tucked the bunny back into bed so he would be waiting for Evan. I hope he felt the love last night, too, and I am so grateful Gram taught me how to stitch, how to love.

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