Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday List

So...I have no pictures and no major developments. I do have a list of minor developments to share.

1. Both kids decided yesterday that they want to be librarians when they grow up. This is a testament to how amazing the staff is at our library.

2. I almost lost my cool this morning because Issa wouldn't stop reading long enough to get her coat on for school and we were going to be late. This is a fabulous problem to have.

3. After school, I am taking the kids Valentine's shopping. Pray for me.

4. Tomorrow will be the annual Valentine's trek to Build-a-Bear. Daddy and I are bracing ourselves.

5. Brad and I both have huge meetings today. The kids were so confused when I came downstairs in a suit. Issa announced, "You look like a real grown-up." Hmmm....

6. This is not much of a list, but I promise the next post will contain hilarity.

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