Friday, August 19, 2011

Where did they go?

Where did my babies go? I suddenly have two very big kids.

See this boy:
He got a big boy hair cut last night. It's not his first, but his hair is getting so much thicker so he looks older. In the past week, he has also switched to real hugs, too. No more little boy hugs that are more of a snuggle; now we get real squeezes. I also caught myself referring him to as a preschooler rather than a toddler. It is just so much more fitting, but I don't know how that happened so quickly.

See this girl:

She got a big girl hair cut for big girl school. It was all her idea. She announced yesterday that she needed some style, and she proceeded to describe this hair cut. It's pretty darn cute. It's also pretty darn grown up.

God's greatest gift to me this week has been unanswered prayers. Prayers that she might take a nap or want to play on her own or want to do a project without me. It has been a week full of laughter and real conversations. There have been countless projects and recipes, and we have followed every whim we had. For instance, yesterday we tried to sit criss-cross applesauce, balance carrots on our knees, and see if we could "walk" across the floor. I have no idea why, but we did and we did it! It was fun and bizarre and we both laughed until we cried. I am exhausted and so far behind I've stopped looking at the lists. But more than that, I am immensely grateful.

I want to believe Issa will remember this week when she is older. "Mom, do you remember the week before I started Pinewoods? The week we played and laughed." I want her to remember we were present; if I only teach my kids one thing I hope it's that: to always be present in the moment--whatever it is. I want to live that example.

Even if she doesn't remember this week, I will. My babies may not be babies any more, but they are certainly my babies--always will be. So, I'm enjoying these little moments, following whims, and dancing to the sound of laughter.

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