Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Day After

Eventually the sugar and the excitement has to fade, and what you're left with is the ugly day after.

We call this a hobo outfit at our house. Evan spilled his juice at school and ended up in his back-up sweats, which are always a pair of pants we don't really have anything to match so they live at school "just in case." He is under the table because I wanted to wipe his face before he went outside. I am clearly evil:

That is a boy who is very upset that the remnants of snack were wiped away.

If he would put on his jacket, he could be outside. Instead, he stood on the inside knocking. And Issa decided to knock right back. No...we're not tired.

At least we know about the day after effect around here. We were braced. We give choices, and the kids live with the consequences. (Evan never did make it outside.) I also knew dinner was going to be tricky. When they are that tired, eating is not a priority. So...we had cloudy with a chance of meatballs for dinner:

Great book, great movie, great meal. Broccoli trees, mashed potato clouds, and chicken meatballs. It was a huge hit, and everyone ate very well...and was in bed by seven.

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