Thursday, November 17, 2011


When I started this blog, I promised myself I would capture reality in all its forms. I wanted to use the blog to help me see the humor in what might otherwise make me crazy. It really was inspired by my mom, who always just giggles when my children make a horrible mess and insists we leave it so she can continue to giggle after we leave. (Imagine a million little dog bone confetti everywhere.) I know someday I will miss this version of reality, so I try to capture a piece of it so I can look back and laugh all over again.

This is a perfect example of reality:
Every morning, after the kids are at school and Brad is at work, I do a tidy circle, picking up left toys and breakfast dishes. This morning, I found Booboo on the toilet in the master bathroom. Why? I have no idea. He was clearly tucked there very intentionally, wedged into that little nook. I'm still giggling.

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