Issa and Evan were playing in the backyard, and she found this butterfly. Needless to say, she was very sad. She brought it inside, and a bizarre conversation about what we should do next began.
I took a entomology course in college, so Brad thought we should pin it. It was too dead for pinning, though, so that wasn't going to work.
Issa wanted to keep it, but that seemed like a horrible idea!
So...what we decided to do was take a picture. I put wax paper on the counter, and we photographed the butterfly. Then, Issa thought we should bury it. So, I found a shoe box and we wrapped it in the wax paper and put it in the box.
Then Daddy vetoed the burial, fearing it would set a precedent.
So we put it on the front porch. It was the next idea Issa had, and I was running out of ideas. While we were on the porch, Issa decided that the butterfly's family would probably come for it over night.
And they did! The next morning Issa found an empty shoe box on the porch. I might have lost my mind.
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